Chrome访问出现: Slow network is detected.

Chrome报错:Slow network is detected. See

百度一下 给出的解释是:

This means the network is slow, and Chrome is replacing a web font (loaded with a @font-face rule) with a local fallback.

By default, the text rendered with a web font is invisible until the font is downloaded (“flash of invisible text”). With this change, the user on a slow network could start reading right when the content is loaded instead of looking into the empty page for several seconds.

(这意味着网络速度很慢,Chrome正在用本地回退替换网络字体(加载@ font-face规则)。

默认情况下,使用Web字体呈现的文本在下载字体之前是不可见的(“不可见文本的闪烁”)。 通过此更改,慢速网络上的用户可以在加载内容时开始正确读取,而不是在几秒钟内查看空白页面。)

